
Incor Alliance Law Office in "" rating
Incor Alliance Law Office in "" rating

This year the company has entered in "" rating in Bankruptcy and Corporate rankings, as well as in federal ranking by number of lawyers.

Today results of the seventh annual "" rating of 2016 have been revealed. According to the rating by branch of law Incor Alliance Law Office is recommended to support projects in:

  • Bankruptcy (III group)
  • Corporate law (IV group)

Also, Incor Alliance has entered the TOP-50 in federal ranking by number of lawyers.

Rating "" determines the leaders of the Russian legal market and represents the most systematic national study for the past seven years. Rating consists of three categories: the best companies by branches of law, the best companies by financial and statistical indicators, acknowledgment ranking. This year's rating Expert Council includes 39 people from companies such as "Nike", "Siemens", Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, ABBYY International Headquarters, General Electric, MTS, RUSNANO, Inter RAO and many others.

In 2016 Deloitte became the official auditor of the rating again in order to check the legitimacy of the results and compliance with the procedure.